Wyo Dirt - More recent happenings from a small Wyoming Hat Company

There’s alway a slew of things that Mike and I are brainstorming for Wyo Dirt. I’ve mentioned before, Mike is super creative. He’s always thinking of new designs, potential customers, and new styles. He keeps up with the trends and has been innovating his butt off! I’m not so creative. I’m more of the business admin guy, the boring stuff really; but with our powers combined we make - WYO DIRT CUSTOMS! (Please comment if you know what cartoon I’m referring to!) 

It’s been over a month since we’ve started our partnership, but it feels like a lot longer! SO much has happened and we are always in constant communication. Here’s a few things:

Custom hats - Wyo Dirt

Custom Hat for Lost Lands Stickers, Check 'em out!

  • We sold more hats in June than the entire previous two years!
  • We made over 20 different mock patches for potential custom customers from all over the US
  • Mike has created a patch specifically for fisherman and fly-fisherman to hold flys…more to come and pictures too! It’s super awesome and VERY unique!
  • In a little over a month we’ve half of our total website visitors than that of the past two years combined. So if we’ve had 5000 visitors in the last two year we have half of that in a month.
  • We have had extensive talks and research into producing our own shirt apparel. Before we would drop ship from another company, but we’re on track to buying our own equipment and producing shirts, Wyo Dirt style, just like our hats and stickers. All. In. House. Boom!
  • We've added two new patches to the website AND we've added several new colors. Check it out here.
  • We hired a professional photographer, Michelle Olsen Photography to snap us some outdoor pictures of our products. So sharp.
  • Our Facebook following has grown over 60% (Give us a like or a share!)
  • Mike is creating weekly Wyo Dirt updates on what’s going on with us. Stay tuned to those and share if you can!

Wyoming Decals - Wyo Dirt Customs

It’s been extremely fun so far. Both Mike and I work full time in other positions, but we’re working REALLY hard to build up Wyo Dirt so we can step into this full time. With that in mind, we want to give a HUGE shout out to everyone that supports us in this. By buying our products, you're helping in more ways than you think. We could put out all the best Wyoming hats and apparel in the world, but without you, it would just be sitting products. So…THANK YOU! We appreciate you all so much. If you’ve supported this small Wyoming apparel company on our social media platforms, THANK YOU! You don’t have to just buy our products, but by giving us a like, or a comment, a review, or sharing a post or blog (like this one! :D) it helps us get the word out to many like you. You all are awesome.


Thank you from the bottom of Mike and I’s hearts. Now, go enjoy summer while it lasts and get outside and adventure!

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